Our Congregation, known as the Contemplative Brothers Missionaries of Charity, is a diocesan religious institute, made up of brothers and priests with equal rights and obligations, founded by Saint Teresa of Calcutta with Fr. Sebastian Vazhakala on March 19, 1979. We have been a diocesan religious institute in the Diocese of Rome since December 8, 1993, whose members publicly profess the vows of chastity, poverty, obedience and free and wholehearted service to the poorest of the poor, lived in the perfection of charity: with an existence marked by an intense life of prayer, penance and works of remembrance in simplicity and humility, within the community and in the heart of the world, helped by their superior who is their father, teacher and guide. They are called by the Lord to reflect, live and spread the spirit, the charism and the mission entrusted to our founder, s.Teresa of Calcutta.
Currently the brothers serve the poorest of the poor in Rome, Albania, India and Ghana. Our aim is to satiate the infinite thirst of Jesus on the Cross for love and souls. Remaining in the heart of the Church, we consecrate and sanctify ourselves, our congregation and the whole world, especially the world of the poorest of the poor. With the constant effort to transform our life according to the image of Jesus, and our communities into authentic sanctuaries of love, peace and joy through prayer, dialogue, sharing and service. Doing ordinary things with extraordinary love for the greater glory of God.
With our presence as consecrated contemplatives in the heart of the world since we are called to be contemplative missionaries and contemplative missionaries twenty-four hours a day: from the presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament we go to Jesus present in the poorest of the poor, and vice-versa. Giving an immediate and effective service according to the needs that are felt in every precise circumstance. Accepting everything, especially our daily crosses, problems, and sufferings with total abandonment, loving trust and joy.
The Congregation depends exclusively on Divine Providence for all its needs, spiritual and temporal, without ever worrying about tomorrow. One of the special gifts of our contemplative branch is the Lay Missionaries of Charity Movement, which aims to be at the service of the family, to promote and strengthen “unity and fidelity in marriage, guided by love and peace, since the future of humanity passes through the family “(John Paul II).